Vrushit Patel Medcial Website LinkedIn
Vrushit Patel Medcial Website LinkedIn

Vrushit Patel

MedBay is all about finding the best doctors and hospitals in our surrounding areas.

MedBay is a medical search engine that provides locals with the medical information they need. It also provides a list of doctors and hospitals in the surrounding areas. The website has a list of doctors, which are sorted by their specialty, and then by proximity to your location. Also, finding the Perfect Hospital has never been easier; the website also has the option to find hospitals in your area, sorted by their proximity to you.


  • Full-Stack Development.

Tools Used

  • HTML.
  • CSS.
  • PHP.
  • AJAX.
  • JavaScript.


  • September - 2020.


  • 2 months.

Project Type

  • Website Development Project for College.
Vrushit Patel Medcial Website LinkedIn

VrushitPatel Github More than half (54%) of consumers surveyed said the process of finding and choosing a doctor is difficult, up from 50% in 2019. Challenges included limited appointment availability, difficulties finding in-network providers, and the length of time required to find and select a provider.

- Forbes
“Is The Era Of Healthcare Consumerism Finally Here? New Survey Says Yes”


MedBay is a new website that will help you find the right doctor or hospital for you. It will not only show you where they are located but also show you their specialities. The website has a database of several doctors and hospitals. You can filter by speciality, and location to find the perfect match for your needs. Doctors’ blogs are a great way for patients to stay up-to-date with the latest medical news. They also help doctors share their knowledge with others who might not be in the medical profession or have access to doctors as easily as others do. Medbay has a one-page spread on how to find out if you have Covid-19 and how to book an appointment. The website also has a list of FAQs on the page. MedBay also has an online booking system that provides an easy way to book appointments with doctors. Patients can fill out the form on the website, and then they will be automatically booked for their appointment with their doctor.

Vrushit Patel Medcial Website LinkedIn Vrushit Patel Medcial Website LinkedIn


MedBay was created to make it easier for people to find the best doctors and hospitals in their area. MedBay is an online database of all hospitals and doctors in the city of Mumbai. It will find the best doctor for your needs based on what’s important to you - like location and speciality. MedBay also has an online booking system that provides an easy way to book appointments with doctors. Doctors can also write daily blogs and post them on the website so that other people can see their Blogs.

Tools Used

  • HTML.
  • CSS.
  • PHP.
  • AJAX.
  • JavaScript.


  • 2 months.

Unique Problems To Solve

Finding us the right Doctors and Hospitals.

MedBay will help you find the right doctor or hospital for you based on your needs, not just based on where they are located.

User-friendly & Easy to use.

This app has been designed to be user-friendly, easy to use, and always up-to-date with the latest information about doctors and hospitals.

Doctors’ blogs are a great way to stay up-to-date.

Doctors can also write daily blogs and post them on the website so that other people can see their Blogs. They are a great source of knowledge for patients to read about the latest medical news.

Know more about Covid-19 & book appointments.

Medbay has a one-page spread on how to find out if you have Covid-19 and how to book an appointment. The website also has a list of FAQs on the page.

Booking their appointments with Doctors.

The benefits of using Medbay is that it offers a simple and user-friendly interface, which makes it easy for patients to fill out the form and book their appointments with their doctors.

The Design

Vrushit Patel LinkedIn Medbay: Here you get easy acces to Blood Banks and can directly Filter Doctor by Specialities.
Vrushit Patel LinkedIn Medbay: Doctors Filtered by Area & Speciality.s

Finding the Right Doctor & Hospital.

MedBay is a medical website that provides information about health care, doctors, and hospitals. It also has an online booking system that provides an easy way to book appointments with doctors. It includes a database of doctors and hospitals in different areas. This website was created to be a one-stop shop for people looking for medical care and information about doctors and hospitals in their area.

Website Development Project VrushitPatel Medbay: Doctors can login and Post Blogs, which can be liked by Users.

Doctors Publishing Blogs.

Medbay provides information about different ailments, treatments, and other medical-related topics by providing a blog section where doctors can write about their experiences with patients. This is a good way to get more people engaged in the conversation and it also creates an opportunity for other doctors to learn from their experience. They are also able to share their expertise with others by writing about a new medical technology, a new drug, or a new treatment.

Booking Appointments with Doctors.

The website is designed to make it easier for people to find the right doctor for their needs and make appointments with them. Clients can fill out the form with their basic information and then select the doctor they want to consult from a list of doctors in their area. Patients can fill out the form on the website, and then they will be automatically booked for their appointment with their doctor.

Website Development Project VrushitPatel Medbay: Users can directly Book an Appointment with the specific Doctor.
Website Development Project Medbay: To know more about Covid-19 and its Symptoms.
Vrushit Patel Medcial Website LinkedIn Medbay: Lists of Hospital which can be filtered by Area and Specialities.

The Results

Medbay helped me to learn more about JavaScript and AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML). I learned to create dynamic sections to load up the data without reloading the whole page. Creating animations using JavaScript. Also explored PHP, creating databases and filling up the data using forms on the website. Displaying the filtered data with the help of AJAX and PHP. Also, discovered how to add 360-degree media to the website. Creating a login page for the doctors and writing the blogs which are posted in real-time. Created sessions and cookies to keep their login even if they reload the page.

Vrushit Patel Medcial Website LinkedIn

This Website Is Intended To Be Used On A Device With A Larger Screen.